Plot: World-class anglers and a renowned shark scientist on-board the Ocean spend two months off Baja California studying great white sharks in the wild. The crew, which includes actor Paul Walker and expedition leader Chris Fischer (the former host of "Offshore Adventures"), uses a specially modified hydraulic...
Plot: Armed with the latest infrared cameras and night vision technology, a team of divers descends into the dark to learn more about shark behaviour after the sun goes down.
Plot: Sebastian Stark, a cutthroat prosecutor, chooses to leave his career as a lawyer and redeem himself when the Los Angeles district attorney makes him put his talents to good use.
Plot: Throughout America's coastline shark attacks are on the rise. Many occur in quick succession at new and surprising locations. As vacationers, scientists and locals are all desperate to uncover what is causing the upsurge, National Geographic Channel investigates the attacks to see what is affecting...