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Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble
Description: Kate Humble provides full access to her Monmouthshire farm as she pursues a self sufficient life, growing her own produce and breeding her own livestock. Genre: TV program Cast: Kate Humble
Escape To The Farm With Kate Humble similar series:
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Plot: Cameras ride along as traffic cops from around Britain go about their daily jobs, giving viewers an up-close-and-personal glimpse into law enforcement on the country's roadways. Each season follows officers from a different police force.
Plot: This three-part miniseries, hosted by Kate Humble and Patrick Aryee, explores the wildlife of Yellowstone National Park throughout significant seasonal changes. The area's winters have always been harsh but in 2016 changes reached new levels, forcing the wildlife to adapt. Humble investigates the science...
Plot: When presenter Kate Humble was just a child, she was fascinated with the idea of becoming a nomad. The romantic notion of exploring the world's remote wilderness and being close to nature was appealing. In this three-part miniseries Humble explores what life is really like for nomadic communities around...
Plot: In this four-part programme, presenters Kate Humble and Iain Stewart broadcast live from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii. `Volcano Live' connects viewers with the active terrain as it transforms the life and landscape surrounding it. Humble embarks on a journey of discovery on the show while Stewart,...
Plot: This factual documentary series hosted by British presenter Kate Humble touches on various elements of history, geography and tradition in the country. Kate visits both rural and modern businesses in different areas of the country and tells the stories behind the specific regions, from its geography...
Plot: Ben Fogle and Kate Humble present this series based at Longleat Estate and Safari Park in Wiltshire. Attracting many visitors every year, the park is home to a wide variety of animals, from giraffes, to lions, cheetahs and flamingos. The presenters follow the behind-the-scenes drama at the animal enclosures...