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Escape Routes
Description: Teams of two people take part in a unique road trip competition. Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller, Reality-TV Year Released: 2012 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 6 First episode air date: March 31, 2012 Presented By: Rossi Morreale, iJustine
Plot: For anyone who's ever wondered whether love truly is blind, this reality show attempts to offer an answer. Single men and women move into a luxury mansion together, but are completely segregated. They only meet within the confines of a completely dark room, where looks are taken out of the equation...
Plot: "The Great Escape," TNT's first-ever foray into the competition reality series genre, is helmed by the same producers of "The Amazing Race," the multiple Emmy-winning series that tracks contestants' season-long race around the world. In "The Great Escape," a race against time to secure the grand prize...
Plot: A distant cousin of `The Amazing Race' perhaps? Comic Jimmy Pardo hosts `Race to Escape', a reality competition/psychological game show that rewards timing, teamwork and brainpower to the tune of a $25,000 payday. Each episode features two teams of three battling against each other to solve puzzles...
Plot: This heart-stopping competition series, from executive producer Jerry Bruckheimer, pits ordinary people against professional investigators. The contestants are given a briefcase containing $100,000 and have one hour to hide it. The detectives then have 48 hours to find the briefcase. The detectives...
Plot: The Glass House is an American reality game show that premiered on June 18, 2012, on ABC, and aired for one season. Fourteen contestants live in the house and compete for $250,000. Voting by viewers helped decide which contestants got sent home. Wikipedia
Plot: Award-winning TV presenter Cat Deeley hosts the dating show that helps the world's most-eligible celebrities find love. Each week four bachelors or bachelorettes first meet potential mates in a blind round, in which contestants share information about themselves. A celebrity who likes what he/she is...
Plot: The best makers from around the country take on a series of handmade projects they must complete in their own unique way. As the competition goes on, the challenges become increasingly difficult, and the least successful maker is eliminated each week. The show culminates in a final craft-off between...
Plot: When some ordinary people inexplicably develop superhuman abilities, they use their powers to prevent catastrophes and save humanity from destruction.
Plot: Host Mykel Hawke looks on as four highly skilled men are set in opposition for various challenges testing intelligence, decision-making, endurance and physical strength.
Plot: When a person is in a rut, escaping to a sunny, faraway place can sometimes help lift his or her spirits. Twelve single men and women get that opportunity in a competition that whisks them away to the Dominican Republic in search of new destinies. Given just a couple of hours notice, they head to the...
Plot: The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange is an American comedy television series based on the characters from the web series The Annoying Orange, created by Dane Boedigheimer and Spencer Grove, which is made for the television by Boedigheimer himself with Tom Sheppard for Cartoon Network. Wikipedia...