Plot: Tmima Ithon is a Greek television series produced in 1992-1995, created by Manousos Manousakis and aired by ANT1. The series presents a group of police officers that undertakes the resolution of various cases. A team of police officers, specifically of the Department of Ethics, undertakes to solve various...
Plot: Two mothers at their mid forties, old school classmates, after their divorces from their husbands decide to live and raise together their teenage kids.
Plot: Eleni is a woman that really loves her husband,Antonis. However,he is tired of her and one day he decides to leave their house. Alone and abandoned she will have to learn how to be independent. She will start looking for a job and a new lover but it won't be easy for her. Her friends,Yiorgos and Klery...
Plot: Two different funerals take place in the same time in Santorini. That's how Stefanos and Katia meet each other and a love story begins. The problem is that when they return back in Athens they find out that his son,Apostolos and her daughter,Elena have met already and fell in love with each other. Stefanos...
Plot: A private detective and a reporter who used to go together to school meet again after many years. After he helps her in a case, they start a partnership that leads to many "adventures" and a closer relationship.
Plot: Lalo, a womaniser, gets the shock of his life when he wakes up as a woman after a witch casts a spell on him. Aghast, he tries to go through life with a new identity and even falls in love with a man.
Plot: Ti Psuxi Tha Paradoseis Mori? is a Greek black comedy series created by Alexandros Rigas and Dimitris Apostolou which aired on Mega Channel in 2000 and lasted only 6 episodes. The series focuses on the lives of four women who want to take revenge from the man who sexually abused them when they were...