Plot: Ghosts of Sayala is a 2004 Egyptian TV series directed by Ismail Abd al-Hafez and written by drama writer Osama Anwar Okasha, the last one he wrote before he died. The show stars 23-year old Ahmed El-Fishawy, Abla Kamel, Hassan Hosny, Zeina, Mahmoud El-Hadini, Safia El Emari and others. Wikipedia
Plot: Hafez and Shawqy Radwan are two brothers leading extremely different lives. While Hafez gets knee-deep in self-indulgence, Shawqy gets involved in his father's trade business. A conflict gets sparked between the two brothers, who both get married and a new chapter of their endless conflict starts. Hafez...
Plot: A social drama exposing the sufferings of a headmaster to create a model school through challenges created by spoilt students , corrupted teachers , insufficient funds , bureaucracy added to that personal issues related her only love from the past and her family troubles debating "Ethics or Wealth"...