Plot: Les Cinq Dernières Minutes is a crime based French television series, created by Claude Loursais, broadcast from 1 January 1958 till 20 December 1996. The show was aired in four series on several channels. The first series was broadcast in 56 episodes between 1 January 1958 and 7 November 1973 on...
Plot: The Tiger Brigades is a period crime television series which originally ran between 1974 and 1983. Created by Claude Desailly it follows the activities of a police squad in the early twentieth century. In 2006 a film Les Brigades du Tigre was released, inspired by the television series. Wikipedia
Plot: Arsène Lupin is a fictional gentleman thief and master of disguise created in 1905 by French writer Maurice Leblanc. He was originally called Arsène Lopin, until a local politician of the same name protested. The character was first introduced in a series of short stories serialized in the magazine...
Plot: Belphegor, or the Phantom of the Louvre is a French television miniseries from 1965, directed by Claude Barma based on the novel by Arthur Bernède from 1927. It consists of four 70 minutes episodes. It has been credited as one of the inspirations for Lars Von Trier's The Kingdom. Wikipedia