Plot: Rent a Pocher was a German television show hosted by comedian Oliver Pocher. The weekly late-night show ran on Thursdays on the commercial television channel ProSieben and was produced by Brainpool. On the show, in addition to comedy bits and celebrity guests, Pocher offered to "rent" himself out to...
Plot: Die Wochenshow is a German weekly comedy sketch show that aires on Sat.1 and is produced by Brainpool TV. It started on 20 April 1996 and was cancelled early in 2002. Almost a decade later, eight new episodes have been broadcast since 20 May 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: Pastewka is a German television sitcom that aired from 2005 to 2014 on German TV channel Sat.1. The series, currently in its tenth and last season, is set in Cologne, with German actor Bastian Pastewka starring as a fictionalized version of himself. Wikipedia