Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: CIA operative Carrie Mathison is on the lookout for an American prisoner who may have joined forces with Al-Qaeda. Released from hostage after eight years, Marine Nicholas Brody becomes her suspect.
Plot: A group of emergency responders from Los Angeles deal with life-threatening situations and save people in danger while also battling the ups and downs of their personal lives.
Plot: Firefighters and paramedics work together to save lives on a regular basis. They also face personal issues, but they keep them aside in order to focus on their profession.
Plot: When masked vigilantes are treated as criminals by government agencies, some band together to start a mutiny while others aim to stop it before it yields chaos.