Plot: Princess Elena is on a journey that began years earlier when evil sorceress Shuriki took her parents and kingdom from her. Now, having defeated Shuriki, the royal teenager is due to take her place on the throne but needs help ruling Avalor -- that assistance comes in the form of the Grand Council, made...
Plot: Little Princess is a British children's television series created by The Illuminated Film Company. Directed by Edward Foster seasons 1 - 3, Directed by Sue Tong season 4. It debuted in the United Kingdom in 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Mischief, mayhem and Mesoamerican myths rule the day for Victor and Valentino. They are half-brothers from Monte Macabre, a small, mysterious town that they explore while simultaneously trying to appreciate each other's quirks and differences. While spending the summer with their Grandma Chata, the...
Plot: The story follows Sofia, an average girl, whose life suddenly changes when her mother marries a king. It depicts how she adjusts to the extraordinary life and makes everyone around her feel special.