Plot: "Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams" is a 10-episode science-fiction anthology series that journeys into unique worlds beyond the reach of the imagination. Based on short stories written by Dick, each stand-alone episode is inspired by a different story, adapted by a team of leading British and American...
Plot: Journalist Bob Woodruff travels the world with his son, Mack, visiting all of the forgotten, misunderstood and frequently overlooked corners of the world.
Plot: The crew of a spaceship embarks on an adventurous journey in outer space, four hundred years into the future, where they encounter various dangerous situations.
Plot: James T Kirk, who is the captain of the Starship Enterprise, explores the whole galaxy with his crew and goes on several adventures as they fight evil forces together.
Plot: The Encore Series are concert recordings developed initially in 2002 through a partnership between The Who and The series was created as legal alternative to bootlegs of major artists' complete concert tours. Each series is authorised by the artists, and recorded directly from the artists...
Plot: Set in the mid-22nd century, over 100 years before James T. Kirk helmed the famous vessel, this installment of the "Star Trek" franchise is set on the Enterprise NX-01 -- the first Earth starship capable of warp 5 -- and explores the history of the interplanetary upheaval that eventually leads to the...
Plot: How did we get here? How did humankind evolve from apes swinging in trees to astronauts walking on the moon? National Geographic's eight-part time-travel adventure series delves deep into history to highlight pivotal "origin" moments that fundamentally and irrevocably created modern living. Host Jason...
Plot: A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor. This time, Commander Benjamin Sisko is in charge of a diverse crew. But unlike other `Star Trek' series, there's no USS Enterprise to help them. Sisko and the crew must fight off rival...
Plot: Maritime mysteries - old and new - come to life in this 10-episode series, combining scientific data and digital re-creations to reveal shipwrecks, treasures, and sunken cities on the bottom of lakes, seas and oceans around the world. Innovative technology allows viewers to see what lies on the floors...
Plot: Given how rapidly technology and intelligence have advanced humankind in the past 10 years, one can't help but wonder how different the world may be in another 10 years. National Geographic, however, is thinking big. The six-part docudrama `Year Million' paints a visual story of what it will be like...
Plot: Experiencing the planet's natural beauty through an examination of how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.
Plot: Sir David Attenborough presents an unprecedented documentary series filmed over four years, following five endangered animals and their families: penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves, and tigers. Each of these animal families faces a fight for survival, under threat from harsh environmental...
Plot: A space caster traverses trippy worlds inside his universe simulator, exploring existential questions about life, death and everything in between.
Plot: Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home. On its way, the crew encounters different species they must deal with, but find that all their adventures only make them long for home.
Plot: Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis', with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard' revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard; he is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner...
Plot: Astronauts and their families become instant celebrities in a competition that will either kill them or make them immortal in the quest to be a part of Project Mercury.
Plot: An FBI special agent Olivia Dunham must work together with a mad scientist Walter Bishop and his son Peter Bishop to investigate various aspects of fringe science.
Plot: From the award-winning team of filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (`Black Swan') and producer Jane Root (`America the Story of Us'), this 10-part cinematic event series explores the fragility and wonder of planet Earth -- one of the most peculiar, unique places in the universe. Host Will Smith guides viewers...
Plot: Six men and women travel to Mars to colonise the planet in 2033. The scientists and people behind the real-life mission show how they are to achieve this feat.
Plot: In the not-too-distant future, Los Angeles has been invaded and occupied by outside forces, causing a rift between the city's residents; some have collaborated with the occupation, while others are rebelling and suffering the consequences that come with that choice. Former FBI agent Will Bowman and...
Plot: On a mission aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, a team of scientists embark on an expedition to make first contact with alien life. Set in the year 2093, their mission takes them beyond the edge of the solar system, farther than mankind has ever gone before. But when terrifying...
Plot: Astronaut Niko Breckinridge is focused on searching the world for alien intelligence. She leads a crew that is on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact that has been found on Earth. As Breckinridge and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable dangers on what may end up being...
Plot: Following the wildly successful "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," Neil deGrasse Tyson returns as host to translate more revelations of science into a lavish transporting experience, taking audiences on a series of spiritual voyages of exploration. The show reveals previously uncharted realms, including...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, the last surviving humans discover a way of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st century -- "travelers," who assume the lives of seemingly random people. They're also secretly working as teams to perform missions in order to save...
Plot: Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush stars as legendary intellectual Albert Einstein in this series that tracks the famed professor's life. The story spotlights Einstein's humble origins as a young, rebellious thinker and his struggles to be recognised by the establishment of academia before finally being accepted...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: A technological genius and an MIT graduate realise that an asteroid is approaching the Earth and will collide in six months. They team up and try to prevent the apocalyptic event from occurring.
Plot: The brother-sister duo of Charlie and Kirby Engelman hosts this series that explores the science between the planet and its wildlife. A different topic is explored in each episode by ecologist Charlie and artist Kirby. The siblings look to inspire young people to question the "how" and "why" behind...
Plot: A follow-up to the 2001 award-winning show "The Blue Planet," this natural history series sees Sir David Attenborough return as narrator and host. A breathtaking exploration of the world's vast oceans, hourlong episodes capture animals and other living organisms in their natural habitat, presenting...
Plot: Pioneers in gene-editing techniques and artificial intelligence confront ethical and technological challenges unlike what humanity has faced before.
Plot: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Robinsons, a family of space colonists, crash-land on an unknown planet. Now, they must fight for survival and escape, despite the dangers surrounding them.
Plot: Adventurer/survivalist Bear Grylls hosts and narrates this six-part docuseries, which draws attention to the volatility of Mother Nature and the resilient animals that survive Earth's most extreme habitats. Each hourlong episode characterizes one of the planet's roughest environments -- including jungles...
Plot: `Move as millions. Survive as one'. That's the catchphrase of this seven-part event for which a National Geographic team spent two-plus years recording across 20 countries and all seven continents. Narrated by Alec Baldwin, it tells the stories of many of the planet's species and the journeys they undertake...
Plot: Academy Award winner Morgan Freeman explores the meaning of life, God, and many big questions in between in an effort to understand how religion has evolved and shaped society. A different divine subject is covered in each hour-long episode, titles of which include `Creation, The Devil Inside, Afterlife...