Plot: "ThunderCats" follows the adventures of a group of catlike humanoid aliens from the planet Thundera. When the dying planet meets its end, the group, known as the ThunderCats, is forced to flee its homeland. While leaving in their Thunderfleet, the ThunderCats are attacked by the Mutants of Plun-Darr...
Plot: Nubeluz was a Peruvian children's show airing from 1990 to 1996. The show was produced by Peru's Panamericana Television and aired through its nationwide network, who credit the General Production to Rochi Hernandez. Wikipedia
Plot: Xou da Xuxa was a Brazilian children's television series directed by Marlene Mattos, and hosted by Xuxa Meneghel. It premiered on Globo TV between 30 June 1986 and 31 December 1992, with 2000 editions completed. Xou replaced the Balão Mágico program. Wikipedia
Plot: Xou da Xuxa was a Brazilian children's television series directed by Marlene Mattos, and hosted by Xuxa Meneghel. It premiered on Globo TV between 30 June 1986 and 31 December 1992, with 2000 editions completed. Xou replaced the Balão Mágico program. Wikipedia