Plot: Ayomoy [ঠয়à§à¦®à¦¯à¦¼] was a popular Bangladeshi television serial, written by Humayun Ahmed and directed by Nawazish Ali Khan, originally aired on Bangladesh Television in 1990â91. Blending fact with fiction it is set in the period of British...
Plot: Ei Shob Din Ratri is a 1985 Bengali Family-Drama written by Humayun Ahmed and aired on BTV. The drama tells the story of a middle-class joint family that lives in the capital city Dhaka. The drama shows the happiness, love, marriage, deaths and troubles a middle-class family in Bangladesh faces in...
Plot: Aaj Robibar is a Bangladeshi television sitcom, created by Humayun Ahmed, that was originally aired on BTV in 1999. It was re-aired in Hindi on Indian television channel Star Plus in 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Bohubrihi was one of the most popular drama serials ever aired on Bangladesh Television. The bangla word Bohubrihi means the multiple dimension of anything and here it means the mystery of life. The story was written by famous author, dramatist, screenwriter, playwright and filmmaker Humayun Ahmed....