Plot: The world as we know it has come to an end, due to a rain-carried virus that wiped out nearly everybody in Scandinavia. Six years after that event, two Danish siblings emerge from the safety of the bunker where they have been staying. After discovering all remnants of civilization gone, they join a...
Plot: A group of teenagers sheltered from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world receive a message that inspires them to leave the safety of the only home they have ever known and embark on a cross-country journey to save their father.
Plot: A nuclear conflict has decimated civilisation. A century later, a spaceship accommodating humanity's lone survivors dispatch 100 juvenile delinquents back to the Earth to determine its habitability.
Plot: A group of survivors led by police officer Rick Grimes travel in search of a safe and secure home after a zombie apocalypse spreads across the USA.