Plot: Basmat Watan is a political satire and slapstick programme that airs via the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, a privately owned television station in Lebanon. The writer of the show, Charbel Khalil, began work on the program in 1995 and in 2007 was leading its timeslot with 26 percent of the audience...
Plot: Celebrity Duets is the Arabic version of the American program Celebrity Duets, where ArabΓ’s most prominent professional singers team up with 13 non-singing celebrities from different backgrounds, in ... Wikipedia
Plot: Ahmar Bel Khat Al Areed is a talk show that discusses a variety of controversial social and human issues airing on the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, a privately owned television station in Lebanon. The flagship show which premiered on March 19, 2008, has become a weekly rendezvous for its vast...
Plot: The love story between Fares and Soraya, who works as a singer in a nightclub, but their love is the cause of problems because those around them reject this love, especially Laila, Fares's mother.
Plot: In a village by the Lebanon-Syria border, the head of an arms-smuggling clan contends with family conflicts, power struggles and complicated love.
Plot: A tumultuous life, fantastic career and volatile relationships of the legendary Yugoslav singer Toma Zdravkovic. The series follows the highs and lows of the famous bohemian and 'king of sorrow' that inspired his unique, timeless music. When the Boston Globe's tenacious "Spotlight" team of reporters...