Plot: Story about Matan, professional beggar, smuggler, and trickster, his childhood and adult adventures with his family. It is shown as retrospective, while Matan is hiding from the authorities in the mental institution. A story that follows a man named Matan from Croatian town (village) Imotski in time...
Plot: With WWI finally ending in 1918, Croatian journalist Kresimir Horvat travels from Zagreb to his village of Vucjak in Zagorje and becomes a witness of history as Austria-Hungarian Empire dissolves.
Plot: It happens around Zagreb in 1941-1943, during World War II. Two groups of smugglers led by Crni Rok and Veriga, fight for supremacy on the black market. They also have to deal with the Germans, Ustashas, the police and communist illegals.
Plot: This series, mostly humorous, yet epic in proportions, chronicles the city of Split in turbulent times between 1910 and 1947. Although the story has numerous subplots and dozens of different characters, the main accent is given to "Hajduk", world-famous soccer club and its founders. This series, mostly...