Plot: The setting is a small community theater, and the scene is an audition for a key role in the earnest drama "The Richest Man in Town." Much to his chagrin, Broadway veteran Quincy has to read his leading role while inexperienced actors audition to play opposite him. Quincy's testy behavior exasperates...
Plot: Wszyscy kochajÄ Romana is a Polish television sitcom that premiered on TVN on 2 September 2011. The series is a Polish-language adaptation of the American Emmy Awards winner, Everybody Loves Raymond and stars BartÅomiej Kasprzykowski as the titular Roman, a newspaper sportswriter....
Plot: ReguÅy Gry is a Polish sitcom directed by BartÅomiej Ignaciuk that premiered on TVN 7 on 16 February 2012. The filming began on 4 December 2011. The series is based on American format Rules of Engagement. In April 2012, ReguÅy Gry was renewed for a second series. Wikipedia...
Plot: UkÅad Warszawski is a Polish television crime series that premiered on 4 September 2011 on TVN. The series directed by Åukasz Jaworski. It is broadcast every Sunday at 10:00 pm on channel TVN. The series finale aired on 27 November 2011. On 27 October 2011, TVN cancelled Warsaw Pact...
Plot: Hela is a recovering alcoholic, now divorced from an abusive husband, struggling to bring up three children on her own. This is a Polish version of American sit-com "Grace Under Fire", it's title in English means "Hela out on a llimb."
Plot: "Everything before us" tells the story about a group of young Polish friends returning home after having worked in Milan, Italy. They decide to start a joint venture.