Plot: The Charm Beneath is a TVB period drama series broadcast in October 2005. The series is shown to celebrate TVB's 38th Anniversary. Sheren Tang and Bobby Au-Yeung were originally cast in this series instead of Gigi Lai and Moses Chan when the teaser trailer premiered in the TVB sales presentation in...
Plot: Survivor's Law II is a 20-episode TVB drama broadcast between December 2007 and January and January 2008. It is the direct sequel to 2003's Survivor's Law. The main cast features Sammul Chan from the original series with the new addition of Kenneth Ma and Ella Koon. Wikipedia
Plot: Lost in the Chamber of Love is a TVB costume drama series released overseas in December 2004 and broadcast on TVB Jade Channel in February 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: The Herbalist's Manual is a Hong Kong television series released overseas in May 2005 and broadcast on TVB Jade channel in November 2005. The series focuses on the greatest physician and pharmacologist in Chinese history, Li Shizhen and his herbalist manual, Bencao Gangmu. Wikipedia
Plot: To Get Unstuck In Time is a 2004 Hong Kong mystery/science-fiction television drama produced by Television Broadcasts Limited under executive producer Lam Chi-wah. Wikipedia
Plot: The Gâteau Affairs is a 20 episode TVB series in late 2004 and early 2005. It stars Joe Ma, Myolie Wu, Bobo Chan, Jack Wu and Annie Man. Bobo Chan provides the voice for the theme song. Gâteaux was misspelt as "Gâteux" for all scenes and captions within the series. Wikipedia
Plot: In the Realm of Success is a 2001 Hong Kong romantic comedy television drama created and produced by TVB, starring Steven Ma, Adia Chan, Michael Tong and Claire Yiu as the main cast. Wikipedia
Plot: Wong Fei Hung â Master of Kung Fung is a TVB costume action series released overseas in November 2004 and broadcast on TVB Jade in January 2005. Wikipedia
Plot: A Handful Of Love is a TVB drama starring Joe Ma and Jessica Hsuan, this drama talks about an uncle taking care of his nephews/nieces because his sister and brother in law died. But the kids don't know that their parents are dead. Wikipedia
Plot: Shades of Truth is a 25-episode television comedy-drama from Hong Kong. Produced by Siu Hin-fai, the drama is a TVB production. The story is a parody on the legendary story of Wu Song from the 14th century Chinese classical novel Water Margin and also the 2002 Hong Kong crime-thriller film Infernal...
Plot: The Last Breakthrough is a 2004 Hong Kong television medical drama produced by TVB. The drama revolves around a group of doctors who provide volunteer medical relief to the less fortunate in world countries. Medical relief scenes were filmed in Kenya, Africa. Wikipedia
Plot: Troublemaker angel named Dan must find love for icy ballerina Yeonseo in order for him to return to his heavenly realm but falls in love with her instead.
Plot: Armed Reaction IV is a Hong Kong modern cop drama released overseas in August 2003. The drama stars Bobby Au-yeung and Ada Choi as the main leads with Joyce Tang, Marco Ngai, Mimi Chu, Frankie Lam and Yoyo Mung in main supporting roles. Wikipedia