Plot: Cloud Burst is a ten-part story within the Look and Read series of BBC Television programme for primary schools, aimed at improving children's literacy skills. The first episode of Cloud Burst was first broadcast on 24 September 1974; the last episodes was first broadcast on 3 December 1974. Wikipedia...
Plot: Pigeon Street is a cutout animated children's television series, written by Michael Cole, originally shown on the BBC in 1981 as part of its 'See-Saw' strand for preschoolers. There were two series with eight and five episodes respectively, each programme lasting 15 minutes. Wikipedia
Plot: This children's television series features teams of four as they face perilous challenges in the fantasy world of Knightmare Castle. Hugo Myatt stars as Treguard of Dunshelm, who invites the contestants into the castle as they begin a series of computer-generated and hand-drawn games. One member of...
Plot: Geordie Racer is an educational BBC Look and Read production, which was first aired on BBC Two from 12 January to 22 March 1988. The story was set in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the surrounding area, and featured pigeon racers and runners competing in the Great North Run. Wikipedia
Plot: Dame Edna Everage (a character played by Barry Humphries) hosts this comedy talk show in which she talks to celebrity guests, usually three per episode. Joining Edna on the show are her "bridesmaid," Madge Alsop, and announcer Robin Houston. Some of the celebrities who appear on the show include Sean...
Plot: Challenge Anneka is a British reality game show that aired on BBC1 from 8 September 1989 to 15 October 1995 and was hosted by Anneka Rice. It was announced in 2006 that the series was returning, but this time on ITV. The first of the two specials was shown on Boxing Day 2006. The second was transmitted...
Plot: The Legend of the Lost Keys is an educational BBC Look and Read production, which first aired on BBC Two from 12 January to 23 March 1998, and was repeated on BBC Two until 2007. Wikipedia
Plot: Earth Warp is a story produced by the BBC as part of their Look and Read programme. It originally aired on BBC Two from 11 January to 22 March 1994. The story was 10 episodes long and focused heavily on pollution. It has been repeated many times since the original broadcast, as recently as 2009. Wikipedia...
Plot: Spywatch is an educational children TV serial produced by the BBC as part of Look and Read. It originally aired on BBC Two from 15 January to 25 March 1996. Its main educational focus was World War II. Wikipedia