Plot: Camaleona, is a Venezuelan telenovela produced by Carlos Lamus Alcalá for Radio Caracas Televisión in 2007. Juliet Lima and Daniel Elbittar star as the main protagonists, Dad Dáger, Karl Hoffman and Marianela González star as the main antagonists and Sheyene Gerardi as the villain. Wikipedia...
Plot: Amor a Palos is a Venezuelan telenovela made by Radio Caracas Television in 2005 and distributed internationally by RCTV International. Its protagonists, Norkys Batista and Lucian D'Alessandro, won the Dos de Oro award for Best actress/actor in a telenovela. Wikipedia
Plot: Cruz de nadie is a Venezuelan telenovela which starred Luis Fernández, Nohely Noriega, Isabel Moreno and Joana Benedek. It was produced and broadcast on Marte TV in 1994. Wikipedia
Plot: The lovely Beba Marturano recently graduate with a degree in architecture. She has always lived good, her only suffering has been the lost of her father, Tomas Marturano, who died in a suspicious car accident. Beba grew up hating Mara Marturano and Brando Leon. Beba meets a young, hard worker named...
Plot: Trapos Ãntimos is a Venezuelan telenovela written by Valentina Párraga and produced by Radio Caracas Television in 2002. Marlene De Andrade, Carlos Montilla, Gabriela Vergara and Alfonso Medina starred as the protagonists with Dad Dáger as the antagonist. Wikipedia
Plot: La soberana is a Venezuelan drama telenovela created by Xiomara Moreno, based on the Spain novel La Regenta written by Leopoldo Alas y Ureña. It stars Eileen Abad, Albi De Abreu, and Nacho Huett. It is distributed by RCTV International and Coral Pictures. Wikipedia
Plot: Aunque me Cueste la Vida is a Venezuelan telenovela written by Salvador Garmendia and MartÃn Hahn and produced by Radio Caracas Televisión in 1998. This telenovela ran for 126 episodes and was distributed internationally by RCTV International. Wikipedia
Plot: Hoy te vi is a Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by Radio Caracas Televisión in 1998 based on a story written by Basilio Ãlvarez and Laura Bottome. The telenovela was a youthful production focusing on adolescents and their concerns. Wikipedia