Plot: Hipsterhood is an American comedy web series, created and written by Indian-American director Shilpi Roy. The series is broadcast on the internet and premiered on August 21, 2012. So far, nineteen episodes have been made and the show can be found distributed across the web including on YouTube and...
Plot: This comedy series, exclusive to Netflix, follows the oddball family life of a fictional YouTube star named Miranda Sings, a character created and portrayed by Colleen Ballinger, who also serves as an executive producer. Miranda is an incredibly confident, self-absorbed teenage singer/dancer/actor/model...
Plot: Tori Vega, a sixteen-year-old girl, finally gets a chance to prove herself and shine away from her sister's shadow after she gets to attend a well-known high school of performing arts.
Plot: Joey invites guests to a dinner party while a woman is mysteriously murdered by an unknown assailant; the guests fail to save a poisoned Shane and learn they must find artifacts to stop the evil within the house.
Plot: VH1's cheeky look at big news events of the past week is something like the love child of "I Love the '80s" and "The Daily Show." Each week, commentators give their takes on everything from politics to reality TV. Regular contributors to the show include Greg Fitzsimmons, Nick Kroll and Patton Oswalt...
Plot: Set in the mid-22nd century, over 100 years before James T. Kirk helmed the famous vessel, this installment of the "Star Trek" franchise is set on the Enterprise NX-01 -- the first Earth starship capable of warp 5 -- and explores the history of the interplanetary upheaval that eventually leads to the...
Plot: The series follows the lives of four teenage girls - Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily; four estranged friends whose darkest secrets are about to unravel.
Plot: Set 500 years in the future after a universal civil war, the crew of a small transport spaceship takes any job so long as it puts food on the table. The disparate men and women just want to survive and maybe have better lives, but they face constant challenges on the new frontier, such as the Reavers...
Plot: Forensic anthropologist Dr Temperance 'Bones' Brennan and FBI Agent Seeley Booth form an unlikely alliance to solve cases by examining the remains of victims.
Plot: "The Stand" is author Stephen King's post-apocalyptic vision of a world decimated by plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil. The fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors including Stu Redman, an ordinary working...
Plot: Step Up is an American romantic dance film multi-media franchise created by Duane Adler. The franchise includes five films and a television series. The series has received generally mixed reviews from critics. It has grossed a collective total of $650 million. Wikipedia
Plot: Comic Jerry Seinfeld is the creator, executive producer and host of this unique series that features vintage cars, funny conversations and a lot of caffeine. Jerry picks up each guest in a special car -- including the likes of a 1977 Volkswagen camper bus, a 1978 AMC Gremlin, a 1964 Studebaker Avanti...
Plot: Jared Franklin and Peter Bash are two unconventional lawyers and long-time friends who take down a stuffy law firm. The head of the law firm recruits them to bring in new life to the work place.