Plot: "Big Brother" meets "Catfish" on this reality series on which not everything is as it seems. Comic Michelle Buteau hosts the show that features its contestants moving into the same apartment building. The twist is that the players never meet face-to-face during the competition, as each one lives in...
Plot: Childhood friends Nando, Doni and Rita take different paths in their teens, but despite trying to distance themselves from their Sao Paulo, Brazil, backgrounds, they ultimately must rely on one another to avoid self-destruction.
Plot: "Big Brother" meets "Catfish" on this reality series on which not everything is as it seems. Comic Michelle Buteau hosts the show that features its contestants moving into the same apartment building. The twist is that the players never meet face-to-face during the competition, as each one lives in...
Plot: Dating can be tough, so it may be a good idea for singles to go with quantity over quality when hitting the scene to increase their odds of matching with someone.That's what happens on "Dating Around." Each episode features a single who goes on five first dates that are filled with flirty banter, awkward...