Plot: This documentary series traces the story of how humans have changed the world during the course of a single generation. Presenter Dallas Campbell travels the globe to visit some of the world's largest and most ambitious engineering projects to explore the power of human ingenuity and the making of...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough narrates this critically acclaimed series that dives deep into the marine environment of Planet Earth. Although two-thirds of the world's surface is covered with water, scientists know less about the oceans than they do about the surface of the moon. This limited series travels...
Plot: Dazzling, state-of-the-art high-definition imagery highlights this breathtaking documentary series featuring footage of some of the world's most awe-inspiring natural wonders -- from the oceans to the deserts to the polar ice caps. Actress Sigourney Weaver narrates this American version of the original...
Plot: A follow-up to the 2001 award-winning show "The Blue Planet," this natural history series sees Sir David Attenborough return as narrator and host. A breathtaking exploration of the world's vast oceans, hourlong episodes capture animals and other living organisms in their natural habitat, presenting...
Plot: Experiencing the planet's natural beauty through an examination of how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.
Plot: From the frozen tundra in the north to the dry forests of the equator, Sir David Attenborough narrates a compelling view of the planet. "Planet Earth" was the first natural history documentary to be filmed in high definition, and now a decade later improved technology has made it possible to capture...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough presents an unprecedented documentary series filmed over four years, following five endangered animals and their families: penguins, chimpanzees, lions, painted wolves, and tigers. Each of these animal families faces a fight for survival, under threat from harsh environmental...
Plot: Sir David Attenborough reveals the extraordinary wildlife stories and unseen wilderness of our seven unique continents with an environmental message.
Plot: Natural World is a strand of British wildlife documentary programmes broadcast on BBC Two and BBC Two HD and regarded by the BBC as its flagship natural history series. It is the longest-running documentary in its genre on British television, with nearly 500 episodes broadcast since its inception in...
Plot: Using the latest science and the most detailed images ever produced, in combination with Academy Award-winning VFX company Lola Post, Professor Brian Cox explores the planets like never before. These stories of beauty and violence, creation and destruction, show our solar system to be not the serene...
Plot: From the award-winning team of filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (`Black Swan') and producer Jane Root (`America the Story of Us'), this 10-part cinematic event series explores the fragility and wonder of planet Earth -- one of the most peculiar, unique places in the universe. Host Will Smith guides viewers...
Plot: Combining stunning photography, cinematography and compelling human drama, this documentary series uncovers the stories of people fighting to survive -- and even triumph -- in Earth's natural wonders. Filmed on six continents in 12 languages, viewers are transported to some of Earth's most extraordinary...
Plot: Geologist Iain Stewart demonstrates the power of plants and the crucial role they have played in the Earth's evolution. The three-part series reveals how plants harnessed light from the sun and created our life-giving atmosphere; formed the fertile soil allowing life to come ashore; created the planet...
Plot: Some of the world's foremost scientists and experts re-examine questions that have puzzled mankind for years in `Earth Investigated.' Who built Stonehenge, and how did they move those massive rocks? Is it possible for mankind to live beneath the water? Does evolution really explain the beginnings of...
Plot: The new three-part series `Animals with Cameras' provides a new perspective of the animal kingdom by putting cameras on animals. Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan joins forces with a team of pioneering animal behaviourists to explore the lives of animals, as told literally through their own eyes. Custom...
Plot: For the first time on TV, stories of terrifying accidents and close calls during space missions are told by the astronauts who survived them. The near-disasters-turned-triumphs in `Secret Space Escapes' are expressed solely from the point of view of the men and women who problem-solved each event....
Plot: A series of documentaries offers an in-depth look at consequences of global warming. Cameras follow a scientific expedition to the Arctic for a study of the polar ice cap, to determine how quickly the ice there is melting. Naturalist Jeff Corwin looks at animal extinction and how rapidly some species...