Plot: This series is largely remembered for the stylish clothes Detectives Sonny Crockett and Ricardo Tubbs wore, the soundtrack, and its distinct visuals. But beneath the veneer is a surprisingly dark cop show. The cocaine boom of the 1980s framed many stories about drugs and murder, with Crockett and Tubbs...
Plot: Basil Fawlty, an intolerant and rude manager tries to run the hotel, constantly under verbal attack from his unhelpful wife Sybil and hindered by the incompetent Manuel; their Spanish waiter.
Plot: The multigenerational Braverman family, who live in California, struggle with the challenges of marriage, raising their children and supporting each other through tough times.
Plot: Dr. Clayton Forrester (Trace Beaulieu) figures he can rule the world if he deadens his subjects' brains by making them endure terrible movies. Exploiting his access to nearby satellite-dwellers Mike Nelson (Michael J. Nelson) and his robot pals, Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo (Kevin Murphy), Forrester … ...