Plot: Yell is a Japanese television drama series and the 102nd Asadora series, following Scarlet. It premiered on March 30, 2020 and concluded on November 27, 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: The Gilmore girls are back! Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel reprise their roles as Lorelai and Rory, the fast-talking, coffee-loving, mother-daughter duo, along with many other cast members of the original series. This revival takes viewers back to Stars Hollow for an entire year, with an episode for...
Plot: The story is set in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in the era around the Second World War. When the story opens in 1928, the heroine, Sakurako, is a very active seven-year-old girl who is interested in becoming a jazz pianist, and music features extensively in the plot. The story is set in Okazaki City...