Plot: Un amore e una vendetta is an Italian television series. The eight episode series aired on the Canale 5 network from 12 October through 23 November 2011, and featured Anna Valle, Alessandro Preziosi, and Lorenzo Flaherty. The series was first premiered at the 2011 Rome Fiction Fest at the Parco della...
Plot: A sudden tragedy distorts the life of a normally united and happy family. During the birthday celebration of the Grimaldi's matriarch, her granddaughter commits suicide.
Plot: The disappearance of a teenager is the starting point of an investigation that will bring to light the dark side of a small village by the sea. False tracks, hidden truths and secret relationships - nothing is quite what it seems.
Plot: Homicide detective Lise Stocker returns to her hometown to care for her mother, who has Alzheimer's. On the day she arrives, a teenage girl goes missing, prompting recollections of the similar disappearances of Lise's two best friends 15 years ago.
Plot: A team of scientific police led by Riccardo Venturi faces complex cases and serial killers. Through scientific analysis of the evidence they will try to catch the most elusive criminals.