Plot: Escalada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 6 January 1975 and ended on 23 August 1975, with a total of 197 episodes in Black and white. It's the fifteenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Uma Rosa com Amor is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 23 October 1972 and ended on 29 June 1973, with a total of 221 episodes. It's the eleventh "novela das sete" to be aired at the timeslot. It is created by Vicente Sesso and directed by Walter Campos. Wikipedia...
Plot: A Sucessora was a Brazilian telenovela written by Manoel Carlos based on the homonym novel published by Carolina Nabuco in 1934. It was aired from 9 October 1978 to 2 March 1979, comprised 125 episodes and starred Suzana Vieira, Rubens de Falco, and Nathalia Timberg. Wikipedia
Plot: Duas Vidas is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 13 December 1976 and ended on 13 June 1977, with a total of 154 episodes. It's the eighteenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: Chega Mais is a Brazilian telenovela that premiered in 3 March 1980 replacing Marron Glacê at the traditional 7 pm timeslot. It is created by Carlos Eduardo Novaes, and directed by Gonzaga Blota, Walter Campos, Roberto Vignati and Reynaldo Boury. Wikipedia
Plot: O Casarão is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 7 June 1976 and ended on 10 December 1976, with a total of 168 episodes. It's the seventeenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: O Semideus is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 22 August 1973 and ended on 7 May 1974, with a total of 221 episodes in Black and white. It's the thirteenth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. Wikipedia
Plot: MarÃa MarÃa is a Venezuelan telenovela which starred Alba Roversi and Arturo Peniche. It was produced and broadcast on Marte TV in 1990. Wikipedia