Plot: Coach's Corner is a commentary and analysis segment that aired from 1982 to 2019 during the first intermission of the Hockey Night in Canada television broadcast of National Hockey League games. It featured Don Cherry, and was co-hosted by Dave Hodge from 1982 until 1986, and by Ron MacLean from 1986...
Plot: Legends of Hockey is a Canadian ten-part/ten-hour mini-series released in 2001 profiling the history of ice hockey. The Legends of Hockey features the following people: Wikipedia
Plot: Veteran journalist George Stroumboulopoulos offers his particular take on Canadian pop culture and conducts interviews with newsmakers, from entertainment to world leaders, in a late-night talk show format. Stroumboulopoulos talks to the people who shape the nation's culture and its future, asking...
Plot: Aspiring entrepreneurs from around the world pitch their business models to a panel of investors and persuade them to invest money in their idea.