Plot: Love Generation is a drama that aired on Fuji TV. It first aired in Japan from October 13, 1997 to December 22, 1997 every Monday. It enjoyed a very high rating of 30.8% and features music by Cagnet. The theme song was "Shiawase na Ketsumatsu" by Eiichi Ohtaki. Wikipedia
Plot: A young doctor flees North Korea for life in the south, where he finds a woman who looks exactly like the woman he lost track of during his escape.
Plot: Dr. Romantic 2 is a 2020 South Korean television series starring Han Suk-kyu as the title character alongside Ahn Hyo-seop, Lee Sung-kyung and Kim Joo-hun. It is the sequel to the 2016 series Dr. Romantic. It aired on SBS TV on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:40 time slot from January 6 to February 25, 2020...