Plot: This documentary series explores health conditions that have mystified doctors and have been difficult to diagnose. Episodes follow active and previous case studies, which are discussed from a medical professional's viewpoint while patients share their personal experiences. Symptoms of rare conditions...
Plot: Piers Gibbon once hosted a National Geographic special called "Eating With Cannibals" that featured the British explorer in Papua New Guinea with a tribe that still practices cannibalism. Perhaps after that experience it makes sense that Gibbon presents "The Witch Doctor Will See You Now." The four...
Plot: This reality series follows fitness enthusiast Davina McCall as she helps people with health troubles improve their lives. There are many people suffering from common conditions such as obesity where lifestyles can be vastly affected. McCall meets with individuals seeking a solution to what is damaging...
Plot: This observational documentary series explores the operations of several medical centres across Britain, including the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Fixed-rig cameras that are fitted to beds follow visiting patients, tracking their personal experiences as doctors and nurses examine ailments...