Plot: Robin's Road Trip is a 2016 Dutch documentary film directed by Simone de Vries. It was nominated to 45th International Emmy Awards in the best arts programming category. Wikipedia
Plot: The Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) announced the winners of the 2016 HPA Awards (#hpaawards) during a gala celebration at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. The HPA Awards recognize individuals and companies for outstanding contributions made in the creation of feature films, television...
Plot: In Europa is a Dutch series of television documentary programs on Europe during the 20th century, based on the book with the same name by Dutch writer and historian Geert Mak. The program was broadcast on Nederland 2, premiering on 11 November 2007 and airing through 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Historian Maarten van Rossem explores with his sister Sis van Rossem, an art historian, and his brother Vincent van Rossem, an architectural historian, cities in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
Plot: Wanting to run for president himself, dutch historian Maarten Van Rossem travels to the United States in the months leading up to the re-election of Barack Obama. By doing so, he explores the country he has always been fascinated with.
Plot: Dutch photographer Ruben Terlou and director Maaik Krijgsman travel through China, from Inner Mongolia in the north, the tropical coast of Macau in the South, talking to Chinese people about their life in this country.