Plot: TV kalendar is a daily historical documentary television series produced and broadcast by Croatian Radiotelevision on HRT 1, its first channel. Running continuously since 1976 and spanning more than 13,850 episodes, it is one of the HRT's most enduring television programs. Wikipedia
Plot: Professor Balthazar has no enemies; he is one of the few cartoon characters who solves problems with knowledge and imagination - without using violence.
Plot: Kud puklo da puklo is a Croatian comedy telenovela produced by Nova TV. It is an original story starring Mirna MedakoviÄ, MomÄilo OtaÅ¡eviÄ, and Ivan Herceg. It is also broadcast in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, and Slovenia. The first season was aired from September 15,...
Plot: Lud, zbunjen, normalan is a Bosnian television comedy series that began airing in 2007. Since its debut, it has also been shown in Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Wikipedia
Plot: Graham Norton gets up close and personal with various celebrities whilst focusing on different aspects of celebrity culture that attract his attention.