Plot: Barry Williams is trying to parlay the fame he gained as oldest son Greg Brady on "The Brady Bunch" into musical fame in Missouri. This reality series follows the actor as he launches a '70s-style musical variety show in Branson, the city known as the Las Vegas of the Ozarks. To have a successful show...
Plot: On first glance, you might think "Branson Famous" is about billionaire Brit Richard Branson. Instead, "Branson" refers to the Missouri city that's been home to the Baldknobbers Jamboree since 1959, and the reality musical -- as truTV calls it -- goes behind the scenes of the show with its founders,...
Plot: Jools Holland has introduced hundreds of established and new musical artists, from solo performers to bands and larger ensembles, since this program debuted on BBC2 in 1992. It's still going strong more than two decades later, with millions of fans around the world -- including those watching on MTV...
Plot: In each hourlong episode of this country music competition, emerging solo artists, duos, and groups perform in showcases that spotlight the rich traditions, songs, and themes of specific country music genres. Three world-famous country artists are joined by a celebrity guest every week, as they hand...
Plot: The Grand Ole Opry is a weekly concert series that has been taking place in Nashville since the 1920s, with some of the top country music acts having performed on the Opry stage through the years. This series relives some of the most memorable performances from the Opry stage, featuring classic country...
Plot: Second-generation bluegrass musician Ronnie Reno -- whose career highlights include performing with such acts as the Osborne Brothers and Merle Haggard -- is the host of this weekly show that features some of the genre's most successful artists past and present. Each episode begins with a performance...