Description: Genre: Talk-Show Year Released: 2009 Number of seasons: 8 Number of episodes: 1638 First episode air date: September 18, 2009 Genre: Chat show
Plot: A group of high school friends are reunited after 25 years at the funeral of a classmate. From then, they try to recover the friendship that the years made disappear. A group of high school friends are reunited after 25 years at the funeral of a classmate who died in a traffic accident. From then, they...
Plot: Bocamoll is a game-show that plays with the Catalan language and culture. It is based on the successful Basque show Mihiluze that airs daily on EBT1.
Plot: The roles of the doctors are put to one side and gives the protagonism to the day to day lives of the children; a subject which is treated with humor and tenderness.
Plot: In each program, two celebrities were competing to guess words that were explained by small children with their own vocabulary. When a contestant guessed the word, he earned a strange puppet called "Gallifante". At the end, of the program, the contestant that had earned the highest amount of gallifantes...
Plot: Plats bruts was a sitcom broadcast by TV3. The show follows the life of Josep Lopes and David Güell. The show was co-produced by Krà mpack, El Terrat and Televisió de Catalunya and directed by Oriol Grau, LluÃs Manyoses and Joel Joan. Wikipedia