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Disaster Eyewitness
Description: Footage of disasters that threatened many lives. Genre: Documentary Year Released: 2011 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 10 First episode air date: February 2011 Network: Discovery Channel Narrated By: Dean Lennox Kelly Genres: Documentary, Science
Plot: Size matters in this documentary series in which host (and former "American Idol" contestant) Matt Rogers explores such massive man-made marvels as skyscrapers, heavy machinery, the Goodyear Blimp and observatory telescopes. Rogers' hosting style is somewhat comedic, but the situation can be serious...
Plot: A painter extraordinaire, Leonardo da Vinci was also a successful architect and engineer, and his drawings of military weapons have been studied for hundreds of years. Now, in this six-part series, a team of builders, engineers and historians attempt to build these weapons, including a futuristic armoured...
Plot: You Spoof Discovery: The ultimate viewer-submitted low-cost high-quality extremely entertaining Discovery parody special hosted by Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs, who also narrates the series American Chopper, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Tori Herridge and a team of scientists piece together the lives behind unearthed bones to find out their stories. Once a skeleton has been recorded, the bones immediately begin to reveal their mysteries, opening up a secret history of Britain.
Plot: Rise of the Video Game is a five-part series on The Discovery Channel about the history of video games. The first episode aired in November 2007. The series ran under the title I, VIDEOGAME in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Two archaeology professors take their history lessons on the road, traveling across the country to investigate and examine unique artifacts. Jason De LeΓΒ³n and Kirk French, friends from their graduate days together at Penn State who both hold doctorate degrees in anthropology, research each item...
Plot: Heirs to the Dare is a reality television show which premiered on March 10, 2014 on The Discovery Channel. The show followed three stunt performers in the footsteps of daredevils past, primarily Evel Knievel, to perform dangerous stunts today. Wikipedia
Plot: This half-hour programme packs a punch as presenter Ron Pitts presents the most shocking destructions ever caught on film, be they acts of nature such as a rampaging tornado, a well-orchestrated implosion of a massive structure or the hard-to-fathom violence of a sudden terrorist attack.
Plot: In "Undercover Billionaire," businessman Glenn Stearns heads to Erie, Pa., to try to build a million-dollar company from scratch in just 90 days. With $100 in his pocket, the self-made billionaire must come up with an idea and find a team to help him build the business. Along the way, he shares practical...
Plot: Located on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Steve Darnell and his band of oddballs and misfits create one-of-a-kind, Mad Max-style rat rods. With the demands of their quirky customers, the team at Welder Up strips and rebuilds vehicles from hidden treasure. In each episode, the automotive fabricators use...
Plot: Rick Dore loves to bring automotive relics back to life, but first he has to convince car collectors to part with prized inventory. Dore, an award-winning custom car builder known for a radical sense of style, fearless use of color and cutting-edge design, is joined in "Lords of the Car Hoards" by...
Plot: Greenhorn gold miners George Wright and Scott Lomu put everything on the line -- their lives included -- to hit pay dirt in the gold-rich and danger-filled jungles of Ghana. It's Africa's second largest gold-producing country, so finding the precious metal isn't the hard part. That would be exporting...
Plot: Discovery's true-crime series focuses on a new case in Season 3, which takes place in and around an isolated farming community in Virginia known as Isle of Wight. In the summer of 2004, 28-year-old Carrie Singer was found beaten to death and half naked in a field. Who would have wanted her dead? Led...
Plot: Setbacks and hard times seem to be a way of life for fisherman trolling the Mississippi deep in the Louisiana Bayou. Struggling to stay afloat in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina was taxing enough, and then the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 -- the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history...
Plot: The award-winning docudrama series tells the extraordinary stories of ordinary people who found themselves in epic survival situations. First-person accounts from the survivors combine with re-enactments to bring back to life the emotional and physical journey they faced in their fight to stay alive...
Plot: Charlie Frattini didn't come by his nickname, `The Bulldog', by accident. Called the Gordon Ramsay of construction, Frattini rescues small-business owners in New York who have been victims of renovation disasters, leaving their establishments on the verge of failure. From local bars to family-owned...