Plot: Teen Court: 10-dai Saiban is a 2012 Japanese television drama series. This television series is inspired by the teen court justice system found in the United States. Teen courts allows teenagers who commit minor offenses to be tried by other teenagers, and they follow the concept of restorative justice...
Plot: Kiri no Hi is a Japanese television drama which originally aired on Nippon Television on August 25, 2008. Directed by Nozomu Amamiya and with a screenplay by YĆ Takeyama, it starred Etsuko Ichihara and Karina Nose. Wikipedia
Plot: Ishihara Santaro is an electronics salesman with a knack for entertaining customers while wearing his trademark red nose. But his actual sales are poor, and he soon gets fired. Through his former teacher, he finds a job at a hospital as a junior high teacher for children who are unable to normally attend...
Plot: 34-year-old Miyuki is a traditional Japanese housewife, with her "salaryman" husband and a son. Although she believes her dream has come true, she secretly feels unsatisfied with the fact her life completely depends on her husband. Sumiko, Miyuki's childhood friend, is a single woman who has recently...
Plot: Renai Neet: Wasureta Koi no Hajimekata is a Japanese television drama series premiered on TBS on 20 January 2012. Yukie Nakama played the lead role. Wikipedia