Plot: This soap opera takes place in a fisherman's village on the coast of the state of São Paulo. It was the fist soap recorded by TV Record after a long period without soaps in the programming. It was written by Ronaldo Ciambroni and directed by Atilio Ricco. This soap opera takes place in a fisherman...
Plot: In the countryside of southeastern Brazil, a powerful horse breeder deals with his dysfunctional family while competes against one of his former employees - now a rich man.
Plot: Coração Alado is a Brazilian telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 11 August 1980 and ended on 14 March 1981, with a total of 185 episodes. It's the twenty fifth "novela das oito" to be aired on the timeslot. It is created and written by Janete Clair and directed by...
Plot: Olho no Olho is a Brazilian telenovela created by Antônio Calmon, it was produced and aired by Rede Globo from September 6, 1993 to April 8, 1994. Wikipedia