Plot: Dhoom is an Indian Hindi-language action thriller film franchise. The films revolve around ACP Jai Dixit, an Assistant Commissioner of Police and his sidekick Ali Akbar Fateh Khan, who attempt to capture wanted, professional thieves. In an ode to common practice, the plot is often heavily influenced...
Plot: Vivaan, a vampire, deals with werewolves and a powerful witch in his quest for love that leads him down a dangerous path, where his past comes calling.
Plot: Parth and Shorvori, a married couple, try to conceive a child but suffer a miscarriage. However, Teni, a bubbly woman, enters their lives and agrees to become a surrogate mother for their child.
Plot: Mann & Machine is an American science fiction/police drama television series that aired for nine episodes on NBC from April 5 to July 14, 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Raman and Ishita, who love each other, face several issues in their relationship as they try to overcome the obstacles life throws at them and hope to strengthen their bond.