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Die Graslöwen
Description: Die Graslöwen is a German television series. Wikipedia Genre: Adventure Year Released: 2002 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 7 First episode air date: December 19, 2002
Plot: Anja & Anton was a German children's and youth series. It was produced from 1998 to 2007 by Studio-TV-Film GmbH in Berlin on behalf of ZDF. In the first two seasons, the series was still entitled "Anja, Anton and ...". The first broadcast of the first episode took place on 24 December 1998 on the Children...
Plot: There's always a chance to experience new things when you're a child, especially one with a vivid imagination. Such is the case with 6-year-old Nina and her best friend, Star. The pals have fun adventures around Nina's vibrant, colorful neighborhood. Every day features a new excursion for the youngsters...
Plot: Löwenzahn is a children's television series produced and aired by German public broadcaster ZDF on German television. Originally conceived and hosted by Peter Lustig, the first episode aired on January 7, 1979, then titled Pusteblume. The first episode of the retitled series Löwenzahn aired on...
Plot: The daily lives of the doctors and nurses at Sachsenklinik revolve around their patients, but in addition to caring for these people, the staff must also deal with their own personal challenges.