Plot: Ryan John Seacrest is an American radio personality, television host and producer. He is known for hosting the competition show American Idol, the syndicated countdown program American Top 40, and iHeartMedia's KIIS-FM morning radio show On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Wikipedia
Plot: Carson Daly, Chrissy Teigen, Leslie Jones and Keith Urban emcee the countdown to the new year, live from New York's Times Square and Nashville, with special musical performances and surprise guests as America awaits the iconic ball drop at midnight.
Plot: Ryan John Seacrest is an American radio personality, television host and producer. He is known for hosting the competition show American Idol, the syndicated countdown program American Top 40, and iHeartMedia's KIIS-FM morning radio show On Air with Ryan Seacrest. Wikipedia
Plot: BBC's New Year's Eve is a series of New Year celebration shows broadcast across the United Kingdom on BBC One during the end of a year and the beginning of a new year. The format for the show has changed throughout the past few years in many iterations. Wikipedia
Plot: The American music industry honours and celebrates music artists for their contributions at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles in the year 2018.
Plot: World-renowned musicians, singers and bands are honoured for their extraordinary contributions at the 61st edition of the Annual Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles.