Plot: Fox News Update is an American news program hosted by Shepard Smith, Carley Shimkus, and Ed Henry that premiered on July 16, 2018 on Facebook Watch. Wikipedia
Plot: This mystery-drama is created by best-selling thriller writer Harlan Coben, and written by Danny Brocklehurst. The story follows a group of four childhood friends as they try to unravel the mystery behind the disappearance of their fifth member, who went missing 20 years ago. After a devastating incident...
Plot: Greg Gutfeld may no longer host Fox News' late-night staple "Red Eye," but that doesn't mean he has to stop offering his humorous take on the day's news. He continues the tradition of that program with this weekly, self-titled show that Gutfeld says, tongue in cheek, "will forever change the way you...
Plot: This weekday morning news show is hosted by Fox News Channel stalwarts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade, along with more recent addition Ainsley Earhardt. Regular features include medical contributors, reports from entertainment correspondents and interviews with newsmakers. During the summer, "FOX and...
Plot: Laura Ingraham is one of the most listened to women on political talk radio in the country. Ingraham earned a B.A. degree at Dartmouth college and a Juris Doctor degree at the University of Virginia School of Law. She took the knowledge from her J.D. degree and applied it to serve as a litigator and...