Plot: Flower Grandpa Investigation Unit is a 2014 South Korean television series starring Lee Soon-jae, Byun Hee-bong, Jang Gwang and Kim Hee-chul. It aired on tvN from May 9 to July 25, 2014 on Fridays at 21:50 for 12 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Yeon Gaesomun is a 2006 South Korean historical television series, starring Lee Tae-gon in titular role. It also featured Hwang In-young, Lee Jung-gil and Son Tae-young. Directed by Lee Jong Han, the series follows the life of Yeon Gaesomun, a powerful military dictator in the waning days of the Goguryeo...
Plot: Dear Heaven is a South Korean television series starring Yoon Jung-hee, Lee Tae-gon, Cho Yeon-woo, Lee Soo-kyung, and Wang Bit-na. It aired on SBS from September 10, 2005 to July 2, 2006 on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:45 for 85 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: A funny, heartwarming story of four siblings, all named after gemstones, as they learn to get along with not only each other but their parents and the other tenants of their parents' boarding house.
Plot: A mysterious suicide occurs in a soon-to-be demolished villa located in the center of Seoul, and a huge legacy is left to Bok Gyu, a man who was completely unaware of his inheritance.
Plot: Golden Fish is a 2010 South Korean drama television series starring Park Sang-won, Lee Tae-gon, Jo Yoon-hee, and So Yoo-jin. The daily drama aired on MBC on Mondays to Fridays at 20:15 from May 3 to November 11, 2010 for 133 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: The relationships between three siblings and their parents during romance, sibling rivalry, illness, marriage, careers and dreams both lost and gained.