Detective Bogey
Description: The series follows the adventures of a detective worm called Bogey, who lives in a city of style noir set in the 30s where all the inhabitants are anthropomorphic insects like him. Helped by his friends and Funky Kid, he will be forced to confront the evil Sinister to protect the peace of citizens. The series follows the adventures of a detective worm called Bogey, who lives in a city of style noir set in the 30s where all the inhabitants are anthropomorphic insects like him. Helped by his friends and Funky Kid, he will be forced to confront the evil Sinister to protect the peace of citizens.
Genre: Animation
Year Released: 1995
Number of episodes: 11
First episode air date: August 5, 1995
Language: Spanish
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Genre: Animation
Year Released: 1995
Number of episodes: 11
First episode air date: August 5, 1995
Language: Spanish
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