Plot: "Expresso Futuro" is a series that blends the best in the world of technology and culture. "Expresso Futuro" is a series that blends the best in the world of technology and culture. The series is hosted by Ronaldo Lemos, an internationally respected Brazilian scholar and commentator on technology, intellectual...
Plot: Put an Argentinean, a Paraguayan and a Uruguayan in a 1970's Volkswagen Van and give them a challenge: Cross Brazil in 30 days. The prize? It's a surprise. Join an Argentine, a Paraguayan and Uruguayan a Kombi 1970 and place the following challenge: crossing the Brazil in 30 days. The prize? Surprise...
Plot: Experimentos Extraordinários (Extraordinary Experiments) is a sitcom that follows the production crew of a TV show about experiments, gadgets and pranks. Iberê Thenório is hired as the producer, director, art director, and technical consultant of the show. But his team members, Camila, Guido, Laura...
Plot: Telecurso is a television program of distance education in Brazil, made by an agreement of Padre Anchieta Foundation, Fundação Roberto Marinho and FIESP. It debuted in 1978, and was exhibited by Rede Globo until 2014. The program is still aired on Futura, TV Cultura, TV Brasil, TV Aparecida,...
Plot: Historians reveal and discuss evidence of centuries-old theories and prototypes for many contemporary procedures and technologies, like brain surgery and computers.