Plot: A young woman goes to the hospital with a minor illness and leaves having to explain an unplanned pregnancy to the man she loves -- and his family.
Plot: In the story of Kalender Town, which is famous for its flower cultivation and essence production, the events of the past, the secrets come out one by one, while in the town nothing will be the same as before.
Plot: After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be with his husband Mazhar, but she must use her magical abilities to protect their happiness from Mazhar's mother, who is unaware of Ruhsar's presence, makes her best to remarry his son with another woman. After her death, Ruhsar returns as a ghost to be...
Plot: The life story of three faithful schoolmates: Pervin, Gul and Ayse. As going through the struggles of life, they always back up each other. They are the three aces of a volleyball team, too. After being graduated, every year they meet at Naci Baba's (Father Naci) café for their anniversary. Each of...
Plot: The story of honorable people struggling to survive in one of the deprived neighborhoods of Istanbul against the hypocrisy and interests of life.