Plot: SOKO Kitzbühel is an Austrian television series produced by ORF and ZDF. It is a spin-off of the German crime series SOKO 5113. It is set in the renowned Tyrolean tourist centre of Kitzbühel. The production company "beo-Film" has produced the show since 2001. Wikipedia
Plot: Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. Wikipedia
Plot: Kottan ermittelt is an Austrian television series that was aired by Austrian television ORF between 1976 and 1984. The satirical 19-episode series about a policeman from Vienna now sports cult status. Police major Adolf Kottan was played by three actors who each gave the character a distinct 'flavor...
Plot: The Soko Wien is the special unit of the Vienna Water Police and has its base at the Vienna Handelskai. Major Carl Ribarski, Lieutenant Colonel Helmuth Nowak and Penny Lanz form the unit under the direction of Colonel Otto Dirnberger.
Plot: The action series âMedicopter 117 â Jedes Leben zähltâ were produced by the German TV-channel RTL and the Austrian TV-channel ORF from 1997 to 2002. The series has 7 seasons and 82 episodes. 6.67 million people watched the series in Germany. Wikipedia...
Plot: Fast Forward was Australia's highest-rating and most critically awarded commercial television sketch comedy show, broadcast for 90 one-hour episodes from 12 April 1989 to 26 November 1992. Wikipedia
Plot: Eurocops is a European television crime TV-series produced between 1988 and 1992. It is a co-production between seven European TV stations in which each station produced a number of episodes which were ... Wikipedia