Plot: From the coast of America to exotic beaches around the world, the number of reported shark attacks has increased in the last half century, many of which are occurring in new and surprising places. In these enhanced episodes of "When Sharks Attack," experts investigate the chilling incidents in an effort...
Plot: Powerful currents, fierce hurricanes and undersea volcanoes make the Atlantic incredibly rich in life, but only if you can survive its challenges.
Plot: Sebastian Stark, a cutthroat prosecutor, chooses to leave his career as a lawyer and redeem himself when the Los Angeles district attorney makes him put his talents to good use.
Plot: In this nature program, wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan sets out to do something that has not been done before -- follow a wild family of polar bears over the course of three seasons. Gordon travels by boat, along with arctic survival experts, to Svalbard, an archipelago in northern Norway. Upon...
Plot: Michelle Dockery narrates a miniseries that captures Japan's ecologically rich landscapes, from the snow-topped mountains to the subtropical coral reefs. The natural activity of the country's wildlife, animals and people are filmed over various seasons through extreme climates and powerful forces. The...
Plot: World-class anglers and a renowned shark scientist on-board the Ocean spend two months off Baja California studying great white sharks in the wild. The crew, which includes actor Paul Walker and expedition leader Chris Fischer (the former host of "Offshore Adventures"), uses a specially modified hydraulic...