Plot: What adults often take for granted in life's minutiae frequently delights children. One of those kids is Luna, 6, for whom the world is a giant laboratory, filled with opportunities to learn more about what things are, and why and how scientific actions take place. Luna's passion for science prompts...
Plot: Three young doctors sent to a remote village in Pantanal to vaccinate the residents find themselves trapped in an isolated community that is shrouded in secrets.
Plot: "Big Brother" meets "Catfish" on this reality series on which not everything is as it seems. Comic Michelle Buteau hosts the show that features its contestants moving into the same apartment building. The twist is that the players never meet face-to-face during the competition, as each one lives in...
Plot: In a future in which each citizen is monitored 24/7 by a drone, a woman discovers a murder unaccounted by this surveillance system, and investigates why.