Deadman Wonderland
Description: This anime series, based on a series of manga books, centers on Ganta, who is the sole survivor when the rest of his class is murdered. Framed for and falsely convicted of the massacre, Ganta is sent to a privately owned prison, the titular Deadman Wonderland, with an unusual take on incarceration -- doubling as an amusement park by having the inmates perform dangerous games in exchange for privileges in order to provide entertainment for the masses. Every inmate Ganta encounters at the facility has an individual goal -- usually survival. Ganta is not only trying to survive but also prove his innocence.
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Year Released: 2011
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 13
First episode air date: April 16, 2011
Cast: Greg Ayres, Romi Park, Kana Hanazawa, Iori Nomizu, MORE
Genres: Anime, Horror, Drama, Animation, Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Science fantasy, Action fiction, Action/Adventure
Networks: Television Saitama, Chiba Television Broadcasting, MORE
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Genre: Animation, Action, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Year Released: 2011
Number of seasons: 1
Number of episodes: 13
First episode air date: April 16, 2011
Cast: Greg Ayres, Romi Park, Kana Hanazawa, Iori Nomizu, MORE
Genres: Anime, Horror, Drama, Animation, Science Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Science fantasy, Action fiction, Action/Adventure
Networks: Television Saitama, Chiba Television Broadcasting, MORE
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