Plot: "Dr. Klein" is a medical and family TV series, which moves between great emotion and humor. Valerie Klein is 1,32 meter tall and the only doctor in the children's hospital, who meets the small patients at eye level. There are many conflicts to solve both at work and at home with her family. "Dr. Klein...
Plot: Ein Fall für TKKG is a title shared by two German television series. An adaptation of the TKKG franchise. 12 live-action episodes ran from 1985-1985. 26 cartoon episodes were released in 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: A long-established Bavarian investigator and his colleague from the big city could not be more different. Nevertheless, they complement each other when it comes to solving particularly tricky cases around Rosenheim.
Plot: How well or poorly do you learn in a school and how do you survive puberty? With these and similar questions, the students of the sixth to tenth grades of `Schloss Einstein' are confronted.