Plot: In this offbeat game show, players picked up in the Cash Cab have to answer trivia questions with mounting cash values before they reach their destination in order to win. If a player answers incorrectly three times, he is kicked out of the cab without any money. Help options include a Mobile Shout...
Plot: A distinguished chef visits struggling restaurants and their crew and offers help. Each episode addresses one restaurant and then plot is always the same. The chef surprises the crew, after a short chit chat about the problems he invites a group of people for a "Testessen" after which the restaurant...
Plot: Families, which love food, face each other in a head-to-head cook-off and compete in tough challenges. Their skills are judged by Paul Merrett and Amanda Lamb.
Plot: Participants compete to create five-feet tall edible masterpieces in the form of cakes within nine hours. The cakes are then judged for client satisfaction, physical looks and technicality.